Agriculture// Book ReviewTaking Stock: Cows, climate, and conservationOctober 3, 2024 Taking Stock A Journey Among CowsAuthor: Roger Morgan-GrenvilleRoger Morgan-Grenville’s Taking Stock offers a thought-provoking exploration of the role of cows in modern farming, balancing personal reflections with insights on sustainability and the environmental impact of livestock.Farming & AgricultureSustainabilityClimate ChangeBook ReviewRoger Morgan-Grenville’s Taking Stock takes you on an insightful journey through …
The unseen impact of climate change on UK coastal communities
Agriculture// Hidden Stories SeriesThe unseen impact of climate change on UK coastal communitiesOctober 26, 2023When you close your eyes and picture a quintessential UK coastal town, chances are you see a vibrant row of houses, sun-kissed sandy beaches, clear blue skies, and the timeless pleasures of fish and chips and ice cream.For those of us who don’t live near our …
Is economic growth and sustainability really compatible?
Agriculture// Hidden Stories SeriesIs economic growth and sustainability really compatible?June 28, 2023Protect nature or accelerate economic growth?It’s a question that’s becoming increasingly more timely. In order to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, it’s now widely accepted that humanity must safeguard and restore extensive land areas; yet policymakers face the challenge of balancing environmental conservation with the desire to improve quality of …
The buzz about bees
Agriculture// Hidden Stories SeriesThe buzz about beesFebruary 21, 2023The tiny honey bee, responsible for pollinating one third of the world’s food supply, is teetering on the brink of extinction.This grim reality, if not addressed, could spell the end of our ecosystem as we know it — and we’re not being overdramatic. A declining species Multiple factors, including rampant pesticide use, …