Ecuador// Hidden Stories SeriesEcuador’s rejection of Amazon oil drilling sparks a new era for biodiversity and indigenous rightsAugust 23, 2023In a resounding defiance of conventional priorities, Ecuadorians have delivered a potent message by rejecting oil drilling in the heart of the Amazon.This groundbreaking decision carries profound implications, forcing the state oil company to halt operations in a region where endangered …
Ecuador’s historic debt conversion paves the way for a paradigm shift in conservation financing
Ecuador// Hidden Stories SeriesEcuador’s historic debt conversion paves the way for a paradigm shift in conservation financingMay 17, 2023In an unprecedented move, Ecuador has converted $1.6 billion of debt into a loan, unlocking millions of dollars for conservation efforts in this ecological haven.Ecuador’s pioneering ‘debt for nature’ swap has taken a momentous step to safeguard the unparalleled biodiversity of the …