Hussh | Ecuador’s rejection of Amazon oil drilling sparks a new era for biodiversity and indigenous rights

Ecuador’s rejection of Amazon oil drilling sparks a new era for biodiversity and indigenous rights

Indigenous rights// Hidden Stories SeriesEcuador’s rejection of Amazon oil drilling sparks a new era for biodiversity and indigenous rightsAugust 23, 2023In a resounding defiance of conventional priorities, Ecuadorians have delivered a potent message by rejecting oil drilling in the heart of the Amazon.This groundbreaking decision carries profound implications, forcing the state oil company to halt operations in a region where …

Hussh | Spotlight on Helena Gualinga

A spotlight on Helena Gualinga: Championing Indigenous rights in the fight against climate change

Indigenous rights// Hidden Stories SeriesA spotlight on Helena Gualinga: Championing Indigenous rights in the fight against climate changeJune 6, 2023In the heart of the Ecuadorian rainforest, Helena Gualinga, a proud member of the Kichwa Sarayaku community, carries on her family’s legacy of environmental activism.As a co-founder of Polluters Out, Gualinga leads a global coalition of passionate young activists who demand …

Hussh | Brazil's illegal mining stance in the Amazon gives hope for the future of Indigenous rights

Brazil’s illegal mining stance in the Amazon gives hope for the future of Indigenous rights

Indigenous rights// Hidden Stories SeriesBrazil’s illegal mining stance in the Amazon gives hope for the future of Indigenous rightsMarch 28, 2023In a decisive move to protect Brazil’s largest Indigenous reserve and its inhabitants, the Brazilian government has launched a campaign to oust tens of thousands of illegal miners operating in the Yanomami territory, deep in the Amazon.Special-forces environmental operatives are …